Well the game coming out for 360 in spetember "Skate." 's demo is being released 5am tonight onto XBL and im tear that shit the motherfuck up tommorrow and get a gigantic load of idea for my skate flash.
As for the release date of my Skate. flash im aiming to get it as close to the release date for the video game's release date.
Current state of the flash is about 45 secs into it and aiming for a 130 - 2 min time frame so it will be released hopefully on time. Also clips will come out on my next post and i may make an alpha for it aswell so keep an eye out for it. If you anyway enjoy to see skating i guarantee that my flash will be a definite worth watching video.
As for other projects they're on hold for the time being until the release of my skate flash.
So dont hold your breath.. anyways